Online at last...Surf on into life in The Peak District.

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p.eak speaks

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the Blurb!

Map of the Peak District. UK

A National Park is an area of land set aside for special care because of its beauty. In Great Britain there are 11 National Parks. Each is looked after by a group of people who are the "National Park Authorities". Working with others, it is there job to protect the Park - its wildlife, natural beauty and historical places of interest.

National Parks in Britain are different to "Parks" in other Countries because they are privately owned by ordinary peeps, like you and me! In America, for example Yellowstone Park is owned and run by the government rather than the people who use it.

In 1951 the Peak District became the first National Park in this country and, today, remains a special place. Did you know, for example, this is where you will find the world's rarest plant, an endangered environment to rival the rain forests and amazing orange bellied newts.


People have lived in the Peak District for the last 10,000 years. However the National Park not only has a past but a "happening" present. So read on and find out what's "up" in the Peak!

p.eak! is the official youth supplement within the annual newspaper for the PEAK NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY. Articles have been taken from editions 99 + 2000...written by my good self.

>see About me!